NIS2, Cybersecurity Act
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Cyberbeveiligingswet enters into force Q3 2025

The Cyberbeveiligingswet is expected to come into force in Q3 2025. The Netherlands is thus significantly behind the EU deadline (October 17, 2024).
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Cyberbeveiligingswet enters into force Q3 2025

The new government has included in its government program that the Dutch implementation of NIS2, the Cyberbeveiligingswet, is expected to come into force in Q3 2025. The Netherlands is thus significantly behind the EU deadline (October 17, 2024).

The Netherlands is thus significantly behind the EU deadline (October 17, 2024).

The Network & Information Security (NIS) directive 2, published in December 2022, is the successor to the 'NIS' directive. Implemented in the Netherlands in 2016 in the "Wet beveiliging netwerk- en informatiesystemen" (Wbni). The Netherlands will implement NIS2 under the name “Cyberbeveiligingswet”. In the summer, an internet consultation was held on the bill. The final text has not yet been published.

Some countries around us are faster with their national implementation, such as:

  • Belgium: the law establishing a framework for the cybersecurity of networks and information systems enters into force on October 18, 2024;
  • Germany: The Nis2UMsucG Act will come into force at the end of 2024. NIS2UMsucG stands for: NIS-2-Umsetzungs- und Cybersicherheitsstärkungsgesetz.

However, the Netherlands is not the only country with delays in national implementation. Countries such as Denmark, France, Ireland and Spain are also lagging behind.

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