NIS2 boardroom training

Directors responsibility and liability are a central part of the NIS2 legislation. As a board, you will be updated on digital resilience in half a day.
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Why a boardroom training

NIS2: cyber knowledge and skills requirements

NIS2 requires that directors have the knowledge and skills to assess cyber security risks and measures, including the impact on their own services.

Mandatory training

Directors (board, management or management team) must demonstrably keep their cybersecurity knowledge and skills up to date and be able to prove this with a training certificate.

Responsibility of the entire board

The obligations do not only apply to the director with IT in his/her portfolio. Every member of the board must acquire and maintain the knowledge.

Make your organization cyber resilient

You don't have to become a cyber security expert. However, board involvement is essential to make your organization resilient. Learn to ask the right questions to your IT organization and suppliers.

Customized training

We organize a customized training for your entire board, adapted to your company and industry. For example as part of a permanent education day, or separately at a location organized by us.

Experienced trainers at board level

Our trainers have years of experience in cyber security and resilience; at senior management and board level.

Agenda NIS2 Boardroom training

The training will cover the following topics. In addition to the legal framework of the NIS2 (Cyberbeveiligingswet / Cbw), the management of digital resilience and cyber security will be covered.

NIS2 legal

Legal framework of NIS2 (registration obligation, duty of care and reporting obligations). What are your responsibilities and liabilities as a director? How do you deal with supervision?

Digitale resilience

What is digital resilience? How do I ensure that my organization is able to be up and running quickly after incidents?

Cyber security

Introduction to cyber security, IT risks and control measures. What is the current state of affairs specifically in your sector. How can you fulfill your duty of care?

Governing cyber

How do you manage cyber security without being a security expert yourself, what questions can you ask your own organization and how do you manage your suppliers?

Request a quote

Request a quote for a customized NIS2 boardroom training.
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