Penetration test

You have taken security measures, or your IT supplier has arranged this. How safe are your most important systems really? Testing cyber security is an essential part of digital resilience. With a periodic penetration test you gain insight, and you continuously improve your cyber security.
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Why a penetration test?

With a penetration test, our ethical hackers try to penetrate your most important systems. Essential for websites, but also for important internal applications or mobile apps. Which weaknesses can be abused, which configuration can be misused? This gives you direct insight into the real security level of your most important systems. Penetration tests will almost always find weak spots, the goal is to learn from this and continuously improve.

Insight in your cyber security

What is the cyber security status of your important systems? You have taken security measures but are they effective? A penetration test shows how secure your system really is.

IT suppliers

Do you use IT suppliers for your website and other systems? With a penetration test you get an independent picture of the cybersecurity. A good cooperation with your IT supplier is essential in solving the findings.

Clear reports

We provide clear reports with findings and how to solve them. This will help you improve your cyber security. If desired, we can help you solve the technical findings (for example in contact with your IT suppliers).

Continuous improvement

Cyber ​​criminals keep evolving, cyber security is therefore a continuous process. A penetration test shows you where the current improvement points are so that you can take the next step. With an annual test you stay up to date and continuously improve your cyber security.

Penetration testing approach


The scope of the test is determined, and agreements are made regarding the test environment. Our testers assess whether the systems in scope belong to your organization.


The testing schedule will be agreed with you, and your IT suppliers where applicable. If desired, testing can be done at specific times, for instance out of office hours.


Quality penetration testing is craftsmanship. Our testers use all kinds of tools, but this is just the beginning. They get to work with the tooling outcome, to exploit the weaknesses, and think like a hacker. They collect structured evidence of possible attacks, so it is reproducible.  


Our penetration tests are communicated in a clear report with management summary. Our testers provide possible solutions for the reported findings.

Resolving findings

Penetration tests contain concrete and thus technical findings. Do you need help to solve these, in-house or with your IT suppliers? Then we can help you with one of our specialists as an optional service.
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